Monthly Archives: April 2021

  1. The Importance of Kilt Accessories to Complete the Authentic Scottish Look

    The kilt does not complete the outfit. Scottish dress comes with a variety of accessories designed for wearing along with the kilt. Some of these accessories have a specific purpose while others hold purely aesthetic value.

    Regardless of each accessory’s purpose, they all play a vital role in completing the authentic Scottish look. Here we will look at all of the important accessories of proper Scottish dress, their significance, and how to wear them.

    The Kilt

    Before we get into the accessories, the kilt needs a bit of an introduction. As the most glaring garment in traditional Scottish dress, the kilt takes precedence as the most important part of the outfit.

    When you wear the kilt, make sure to put the pleats in the b

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  2. Top Ten Secrets about Authentic Scottish Kilts

    Scottish Kilts represent Scotland’s beautiful history and cultural heritage. Many people can recognize kilts as a representation of Scottish culture. However, kilts contain more secrets than one might expect. These pieces of attire draw attention not only for their uniqueness, but also their rich history.

    Here are the top ten secrets about authentic Scottish kilts.

    Secret #1: Kilts Only Gained Popularity in the 1700s

    Some expect the celtic tribes to have worn the kilt for a millenia. In reality, the first came about in the 16th century. And after nearly two centuries of gaining traction, the kilt received an upgrade from an English Quaker named Thomas Rawlinson. Afterwards, a Scottish associate wore Rawlinson’s version and the kilt’s popularity spread throughout Scotland.

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  3. Understanding the Top Ten Secrets Of Kilts

    As national symbols go, none are so storied as the Scottish kilt. It is the national garment of Scotland, and it has been worn for a vast number of reasons: to show respect, a fashion statement and even as a symbol of government protest. Kilts are still lovingly handmade and worn today for different reasons, but the tradition is deep in the bones of the people of Scotland.

    Many people know that kilts are Scottish, but there are many secrets of kilts that are known only to kilt aficionados. Today, we initiate our gentle readers into the top ten secrets of kilts. Read on to learn the greatest secrets of the kilt-wearing cognoscenti.

    Secret #1: Kilts Are Precious Heirlooms In Scotland

    Kilts are far more than just “dresses/skirts for men”. They have hundreds of years of tradition and craftsmanship going back to before the founding of the first kingdoms of England. Many kil

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  4. A Guide to How A Kilt Is Made

    No European garment has been as romanticized in history and fiction as the kilt. It is the garb of heroes and freedom fighters from the northern Highlands to the southern borders that touch the northern edges of Great Britain. Scottish royal and noble families wear the symbols of their great houses woven into the very fabric of their kilts. Hand-made and hand-woven kilts are highly prized by their owners and treated with the utmost care when stored.

    While many people around the world recognize kilts on sight, few actually know how a kilt is made. Moreover, far fewer still know the strict rules and requirements for crafting a true kilt. Here at Kilt Rental USA, we cherish both the history and craftsmanship of kilts and kilt making. As part of our respect and celebration of the noble kilt, we have assembled a guide to kilt making. Along the way, we’ll discuss some of the history of kilt making and why certain practices are still in use today.

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