Too many people view the formal kilt as 100 percent, without a shadow of a doubt, traditional. But that’s not the case at all! In reality, the formal kilt is the perfect blend between traditional and modern. And you can trust that statement because Kilt Rental USA has been in this business and in love with kilts for a long, long time.


However, even with that experience supporting this post, I don’t expect you to just take my word for it, and nor would I ever want you to do that! Instead, I want to explain why the formal kilt really is that perfect blend and how you can put that blend to work for you!


So that’s our goal here, and I hope that you’ll stick with us as I break it all down. Let’s start with a little bit of background to ensure we’re all on the same page here.


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What is the formal kilt traditionally?

It’s rather unfortunate, but too many people have an incorrect understanding of what a formal kilt is and sadly, there are few resources available to correct that misunderstanding. So, we’ll set the record straight here.


As we’ve previously mentioned, a formal kilt is typically an 8-yard kilt paired with formal torso pieces like a jacket, vest, dress shirt and tie – perhaps with other accessories like a sporran. It’s also usually reserved for big events such as weddings or graduation ceremonies – something to keep in mind before throwing it on.


The jacket is probably the most important piece of clothing aside from the kilt itself. So, at formal events, you will likely find most people wearing something rather traditional such as a Prince Charlie jacket or maybe even a stylish modern blazer. Either way, it’ll be a torso piece that further raises the level of formality.


That is the formal kilt, simply put. But don’t be afraid to check out this other blog post on some of the most kept secrets about formal kilts! There’s a fascinating back story to the Prince Charlie jacket that’s worth checking out! And you can also find some more information regarding the other commonly donned torso pieces.

Where the formal kilt turns modern

So, we understand the formal kilt as well as how it’s traditionally paired for formal events. Now, let’s take a look at the exciting part – the part where formal kilts start to make a break for the more modern styles.


As we said, the Prince Charlie jacket is typically the go-to, and that’s for a good reason – it looks nice and traditional. But things get very interesting when you take a step away from that jacket and look at some alternatives.


You see, in most situations, the kilt has all of the formal spunk that you need. The jacket isn’t necessary for those situations, so in other words, you’re wasting potential. Or at least that’s what some of the more modern-focused kilt wearers think. So, they’ve turned to different torso options like a sweater or a simple leather jacket. Maybe even venturing into a tuxedo top or as far as a normal t-shirt! If you’re struggling to picture those options and how they look, let me tell you, they look great.


Note: You can call these kilt outfits hybrids if you’d like. A term that can come off as funny but it is nonetheless very accurate to these sorts of ensembles.


That’s most likely the true beauty of the formal kilt, among other things. It can pull off the simple sweater or the Prince Charlie jacket – opposing styles, but equally good. And with more and more people realizing that they aren’t locked into one direction with a formal kilt, these styles will likely continue to grow in popularity – as most if not all fun and unique things do.

Is it wrong to change the style of the formal kilt?

Now, I can only offer my own opinion, and some may actually disagree. However, I would say of course not! The first mention of kilts was in 1538. And personally, I find it hard to believe that if we investigated the many years that have passed since then, we wouldn’t find a surprising amount of change in how we wear kilts and what’s traditionally accepted.


I believe that with a healthy respect for how kilts were traditionally worn and with the consideration of each event that you’re attending, it’s perfectly acceptable to throw on a cool jacket or fun sweater with your formal kilt. With that said, if you ever change your mind and think that a Prince Charlie jacket is better suited for you or your event, again, the formal kilt can easily accommodate that.

Final words…

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your formal kilt! It can do so much, and it would be an awful shame not to take full advantage of that. Plus, I’m sure you’ll agree that wearing a kilt is about two things – enjoying yourself and having respect for tradition – and with the formal kilt, you’ll accomplish both of those things, regardless of which jacket you pick.


Aside from that, if you have any other wonders about kilts, traditional or casual, don’t hesitate to check out the rest of the Kilt Rental USA website! I guarantee you that we have the information that you need to satisfy any curiosities. And we’re ready and willing to guide you through the whole kilt rental process – start to finish – formal to informal. We have it all.


That way, you’ll come out with your ideal kilt and feel your absolute best.